Welcome To See My Deals
Hi, I'm glad to have you on board. This blog was created to share insights into some online investment programs and how you can acquire cool cash while using the internet. It is not enough to just know how to browse the internet without getting something in return.
Whether you have the money to invest or not, this blog will be beneficial as I will reveal a lot of information on what programs to join and give you step by step guides on how to go about them.
Still don't know why you should invest online? Ok listen up. About 8 or 9 years ago, the cryptocurrency known as Bitcoin was established. As at the time it was been used for transactions, the exchange rate stood at USD$1 = 1,309.03 BTC. This equation was determined using a computer algorithm which includes the cost of electricity to power a computer that was responsible for generating Bitcoins. As I compose the content for this blog on this day, the 26th of September 2016, the current exchange rate stands at 1BTC = USD$602.82. Now imagine if you had invested in Bitcoins and bought let's say 200BTC as far back as 2009. Today, you'd be $120,000 richer. Technically, a millionaire in Nigeria.
More and more companies keep using Bitcoin for transactions and the rate will continue to go up. The bad news is it seems too late to catch this financial train. The good news is, more cryptocurrencies are springing up by the day and it leaves a wonderful opportunity for us to consider. Bookmark this blog and I will be giving you exclusive updates on new investment programs, cryptocurrencies and lots more that will help your current financial status.
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